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  • 联系人:赵婷
  • 电话:010-88490855-805
  • 邮件:lihang_expo8@163.com
  • 手机:13910017248
  • 传真:010-58129750
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您当前的位置:首页 » 新闻中心 » ﹡2019年斯洛伐克国际暖通、制冷、卫浴、环保测量和调节展
发布时间:2017-08-01 17:37        浏览次数:11        返回列表
【展出时间】2019-02-05至 2019-02-08
★独立空调 、中央空调、制冷设备,热冷交换机、通风、风扇、空气净化器、测量与控制-热调节 通风和制冷仪表等;
★太阳能热水器 太阳能灶 太阳能采暖 太阳能空调及太阳能配件。
Dear Ladies and gentlemen, Allow me on behalf all of my colleagues and me to thank you for your participation at this year´s 19th annual of the trade fair Aquatherm Nitra 2017.
And what was the show like? We as the organizer can responsibly say that groundbreaking. For the first time the trade fair occupied four halls, for the first time we tried to divide the halls according to particular branches, especially with regard to the field of ventilation and air-conditioning. For the first time we arranged visitors´registration in indoor area of the entrance hall to create more convenient space for visitors. For the first time we prepared competition for your clients and the main prize, a vehicle, has already it´s winner.  For the firts time we tried to cover with billboards whole territory of Slovakia, their selection can be found on our website. We started also a partnership with company Klimak and their Conference Techforum focusing on designers in HVAC branch.
Of course we have not fully succeeded in everything. Attendance of the last year was unable to exceed, we weren´t able to place our application designed for you, exhibitors, and your clients on the App Store for devices operating on iOS platform. We sincerely apologize for the "premiere" waste solutions during assembly and dismantling. The advantage of these unhappy moments is that these create motivation to be better prepared and to do our best for the next edition. I strongly believe we will have the opportunity to thank you again for your cooperation in 2019 and that there will be less inconveniences. At the same time we would like to invite you to visit the 22nd annual of the trade fair Aquatherm Praha 2018 in term of  February 27 – March 2, 2018.
Dear exhibitors, dear business partners, we wish you both business and personal achievements in the following time and we look forward to meet you at the 20th annual of Aquatherm Nitra in term of February 5 – 8, 2019.
Beijing Lihang Int’l Exhibitioin Co., Ltd
Mobile:13910017248 (同微信)
QQ: 784293200